Tuesday, June 19, 2012


In Munich we started the day off by going to the Dachau Concentration Camp. The camp was originality for political prisoners and Russian POWs. It was opened in 1993 and was liberated in April of 1945 by US troops.  Later in the war more Jews and other people were shipped to the camp for work. Once you became too weak to work anymore or couldn't work period, they were shipped to other camps. The camp itself has become mostly a memorial site with a small museum in the old work house. Most things have been rebuilt so you can see how everything once stood. There is also four different churches on the grounds. The old gas chamber and crematories are still standing.

The last thing we did for the day was go to the BMW Welt and the 1972 Olympic Village. The welt was pretty cool and had lots of different BMW cars and bikes for you to look at. The outside had a mirrored cone in the front and the building was designed by Coop Himmelblau. At the Welt they had stunt motorcycle
show and a small BMW car you could ride in or take pictures in. The Olympic Village is huge itself. It was designed by Frei Otto and Gunter Behnisch. The buildings all have mirrored/glass tents over them. One the way back to the hotel we stopped at a church that was very different from any of the others we have seen so far. It was a glass cube on the outside with purple like stain glass that had nails in different patterns. The inside was a wooden cube where the services are held. 


  1. Did you see where the athletes from Israel where taken hostage and murdered?

  2. No.Most of everything in that area was closed on Monday and we weren't told about it when we got there.
